September 10, 2019
September 10, 2019


With horror I have watched many Pharma sales guys die young. I have seen many field Managers dying at the age of 50-60 years against National life expectancy of 68 years.In states like kerala general life expectancy is 75 years.

Being from healthcare industry, it should have been 80 years plus for Pharma guys. As I have no evidence based medical records, you have the choice of accepting my observation or rejecting it. Many are “burnt out” or semi incapacitated by the time they reach 50 years.

I am talking about all guys from MR to GM.

What is happening to many Pharma sales guys?

My observations are as follows:

Typical Pharma guys live on the edge

Large number of Pharma guys work 12 hours a day with constant tension of achieving target. They leave homes by 9-10. AM and return back by 10-11 PM.

Pharma guys do least exercises in spite of selling all medicines and meeting 10 Doctors a day!

How often have seen a Pharma guy going for a morning walk or swim? He is on travel for 10-15 days of the month with early morning flight or train or bus. Evenings are for consultant calls or sales discussion or drinks. If the boss happens to be a “sales closing mad “ type, he may not like your morning walk as you may be considered not “sincere”.

Pharma guys eat maximum junk food and drink beyond limits.

These guys eat junk foods on road sides and skip lunch.Dinner is invariably with fried items and drinks. After the last call in the night, he picks up a bottle while going home.Also, he has to entertain bosses or colleagues who frequent his HQ.

Pharma guys do hardly any medical check up
Since the Phrama guys meet Doctors day in and day out, they do not go for formal medical check ups. This is due to two reasons:
He keeps treating himself most times for all normal sicknesses after he gained confidence about few drugs and diseases.
Second, he has to put a great show in the presence of customers- Doctors, how can he go to them with a weakness called illness?
Most Pharma guys do not do the mandatory annual medical check up in spite of IT benefits available for it. Please check out with your friends.

Pharma guys have the least Healthcare policy cover

Pharma guys depend on the Mediclaim policy given by Companies only. Most often, these amounts are very small, could be as little as Rs 2 lacs. It is designation based and not age based.Example, if the guy is 50 years old , he needs to have at least Rs5-7 lacs worth of floater policy, but, Company may be giving just Rs 2 lacs worth policy for himself as he is a ASM.
If you ask a Pharma guy about medicalim policy, he may not know which Company or how much amount.He may not know the fact that his parents and wife or kids are not covered.Even if they are covered, the amount could be insufficient to meet hospitalisation in a good hospital.

Pharma guys do not take drugs properly
Because of field work or travel he will miss his dosage of drugs.Further, he does not want to show to his boss or subordinate that he is on drugs, lest they use it to attack him!
If he is on insulin, he will not take that dose in any case, for not showing to the world he is “very sick” and is on insulins![By the way, if you are on insulin, you can live for 3-4 decades more, no problem!]

Pharma guys have many health issues and which are not yet diagnosed.

There are many health issues that Pharma guys face which are not diagnosed and are killing them slowly. One example is sleep apnoea.Or popularly called snoring problem. I have created , along with my son No.1 home centric sleep diagnostic business in Bangalore and have first hand information on this.For details visit www.sleepblizz.com

-Every Pharma guy must undergo along with his spouse an annual medical check up. The cost is claimable 100% in IT returns.
– Carry jogging shoes and track suit on tour. Take a walk either in morning or night compulsorily.
– Do “savasana”or similar relaxing exercises at night. Listen to soft instrumental music.
– Do not entertain any mobile after 9 PM from anyone. No morning calls too without morning walk.
– Take a small chapati roll and banana/Apple if you are doing field work alone.
Take family Healthcare policy as follows ,if not taken by Company.This is the least.
Illness is not designation dependent!
Below 45 years- 5 lacs
45-55years- 5-7 lacs
55 years plus- 8-10 lacs

If you are around 50 years, compulsorily take additional healthcare policy as you may not get healthcare policy at low premium as you get older.
If you wish to learn about protecting your family and investments, read my book titled:
Available in online stores.

I am sure, your wife will appreciate me for this .
-At least twice a week, take your spouse and kids to a park. Hell with the job!
– Tell your boss that you are on certain medications and you are not under obligations to discuss these.
If you work for a Company where your and your family’s health cannot protect, leave the job.
Living longer is far more important than anything else.
Your Company can get your replacement in few days.
But your wife and kids cannot get your replacement EVER !

Best wishes!

This blog is written by Simon Daniel, a double postgraduate in management sciences, Ex CEO and Director of leading Pharma/Healthcare Companies with 30 years + track record.
Under his leadership, around eight Pharma SBU’s were created .He took part in creating more than one dozen top IMS brands. Out of close to 12,000 people who worked in his teams, more than 100 have reached positions like GM/VP/DIRECTOR .
He has established two successful start ups too. In Quora [www.quora.com] , he went on to become World No.1 writer in Personal finance advice and investing advice topics, being called a “personal finance guru”

He is the author of highly acclaimed book titled:


The book is a comprehensive guide to saving, investing, spending, borrowing and protecting-the
five key financial literacy competencies essential for all people.

Book is sold in all leading online stores in India and globally. It is sold through Author’s website www.simondaniel.in
Also sold in www.amazon.in and www.flipkart.com

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